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Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2008

6:00 PM Holden Memorial Hall

Present: Christopher Lucchesi, David White, Rick Bates, Bob Beck, Karl Makela, Hal Lane, Peter Liddy, Chief Sherrill, Chief Chandler

Absent: Brian Forts, Mary Ryan

Others Present: Brian Bullock, Joseph Sullivan, James Jumonville, Kim Ferguson, David White

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

Approval of previous meeting minutes:

There was no review of minutes.

Public Comment:

Comments from the Chair:

General Discussion:

Chris Lucchesi began with a discussion on the vote timing.  A motion by Dave was proposed to bring the matter to a special town meeting March 10th, with a ballot election on March 17th or 18th.  It was seconded with discussions on dates for the ballot return: final motion for March 10th and March 17th or 18th.

Goals were set for the evening including an opening statement for the Board of Selectmen meeting.  A discussion on asking for a unanimous vote was held with the conclusion being that Chris would ask for support only.  A motion was made to pay Chris Lucchesi for the handouts.

At 6:20 recess for BOS

At 6:40 the meeting resumed with the BOS in attendance.  Chris Lucchesi began with an introduction to the BOS.  He presented the project and a summary document to the board.  David White, member of the PSBC, spoke to the thorough process and hard work that had gone into the plan over the past year.  The plan to preserve the old fire station will save money.

Kim Ferguson acknowledged the 14 months of hard work by the committee.  She noted the 2-3 good presentations to the BOS.  She noted she did not like the cost but that nobody would.  She felt like the committee did a good job cutting corners and stated "personally, I will support this project."  There were questions on contingency amounts, site work ($1mm), and on what the $466,500 for communications be used for.

Joe Sullivan began by congratulating the committee.  The balancing of needs and cost are difficult for a committee.  Joe Sullivan asked Brian Bullock about the purchase of Ringgard property and the tax impact on $15 million.  The response is "yes" to the purchase and there will be a tax rate impact of about $120/year for the average taxpayer.  Joe states that "this" project has failed twice before "what's changed?" Response from Bob is, "nothing has changed..."

Jim Jumonville brought up questions about the IIF.  He spoke the failure of previous projects.  He said there had been 26 foreclosures in town in the last month alone, and although many voters wanted the new building they could not afford it.

Joe Sullivan motioned that the Holden BOS thank the PSBC for their hard work and that the Holden BOS endorse this project as presented.  Kim seconded. passed 4:1

Joe stated, "I hope we learned our lessonwith the high school which was delayed for years and drove up the costs significantly.

The select board unanimously support a measure to bring the matter to a special town meeting March 10.  A vote of 4:1 for the ballot election to approve borrowing be held a week later on March 17.

Jim feels the election should be held on 3/31 and will not vote for the 3/31/08 date.

Public Comment:


The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Approved: February 6, 2008